Thorntree Senior School is an independent school based in Mokopane, South Africa.
Established in 2016, Thorntree Preparatory began to fulfil the need for quality primary education. In 2021, Sprouts Academy was introduced as the Early Childhood Centre of the Primary School and, in 2024, we are excited to
launch Thorntree Senior College with the first intake of Grade 8 students. Our vision is to create an educational environment that holds the interest of the child at it’s heart. We afford experiential learning opportunities for our learners through the use of blended learning and the latest technology.
At Thorntree, we encourage an open and forward-thinking environment, with the children at the centre of all we do. We foster academic boldness – a prerequisite to curiosity and creativity, with an insistence on how to think, not what to think.
Our task is to create something extraordinary out of each of our learners – something distinctive and something worthwhile for themselves and for society.